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Town of lost temple

Town of lost temple

Telkupi is 18 kms away from Raghunathpur, Purulia. The most efficient way to get there is by private vehicle as there is no direct bus route. From Lalpur village near Telkupi, you could hire a country boat at a small fee to sail right up to the submerged shrines.
Telkupi (or Tailakampi) is a small non-descript village on the banks of Damodar River under Raghunathpur police station in Purulia district. The place has recently garnered interest among archaeologists and tourists, who flock there to view the Jaina architectural ruins of temples (Bhairavasthan) submerged by Panchet Dam in the Damodar River.

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Posted on: 7/7/2024

Marble Lake, Purulia

Marble Lake, Purulia

The surreal ambiance created by the Tarpania Lake (locally known as Marble Lake) which was once an open-pit mine is presently, one of the most sought attractions of the region. If the red hills and the rustic charm of Purulia have always attracted your adventurous soul, then give it a soothing break at the Marble Lake of Ayodhya.

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Posted on: 4/16/2024



Purulia district forms the lowest step of the Chota Nagpur Plateau. The nearest railway connection of Baranti is Muradi railway station (6 km) on the Asansol-Adra line of South Eastern Railway zone. Baranti is a developing tourist center located in the lap of Gorongi Hill. This village is surrounded by the Panchkot Hill at one side and the Biharinath Hill on the other, with a water reservoir under Ramchandrapur Medium Irrigation Project. This area is popular for hill and jungle trekking due to its natural environment.

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Posted on: 6/19/2023

Kathgola Palace

Kathgola Palace

Kathgola often refers to the Kathgola Palace. Kathgola Gardens, also known as the Kathgola Temple. This historical palace was built by Lakshmipat Singh Dugar, who was said to be close to Jagat Seth - the rich money lender and trader. It is here that William Watts met the traitor Mir Jafar, just three days after the battle of Plassey in 1757 to discuss the payment promised to him before the historical battle.

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Posted on: 5/1/2021

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